Tutorial: Vstávajte, pastieri by František Prášil
This song is a part of the freely available online choral tutorial library with music from Slovak composers. It was created with the support of Slovak Arts Council (Fond na podporu umenia).
Basic information about Vstávajte, pastieri
Composer: František Prášil
Description: Christmas carol arrangement
English name: Rise, shepherds (translation of all lyrics can be found in the bottom part of the page)
Sheet music: Musica Slovaca, catalog no. 0085
Tutorial recordings for Vstávajte, pastieri
- recordings and lyrics for sopranos
- recordings and lyrics for altos
- recordings and lyrics for tenors
- recordings and lyrics for basses
The performance is both at a practice tempo (to make it easier to learn voice parts) and in the recommended tempo, recorded by members of the Technik STU Choir. If you are interested in singing with the Technik STU choir, consider joining us.
Choral performance of Vstávajte, pastieri
Ars vocalis: Vstávajte, pastieriPrajeme vám pokojné a požehnané Vianoce!
Vstávajte, pastieri, berte sa hor! Ospravedlňte obrazovú kvalitu videa – vyberáme z mobilového archívu 🙂Posted by Ars Vocalis – komorný spevácky zbor on Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Common lyrics of Vstávajte, pastieri with an English translation
Vstávajte, pastieri, berte sa hor’,
Rise, shepherds, to the hills, hear songs of yore!
aká to novina, dajte pozor!
Good news, our King is here, right at the door!
Aké to zázraky javia sa na nebi!
Miracles glimmering, quiet and beautiful
Nikdy som nevidel, jak som starý,
Heavenly lights are bright, shining above
na nebi vysokom takej žiary.
I’ve waited all my life, now comes God’s love.
Len sa ma nebojte, pastuškovia,
Don’t be afraid, shepherds, I will not bite
prichádzam k vám ako anjel Slova,
I am an archangel, bringing God’s might.
aby som vám zvestil, že sa nám narodil
Hear the jolly news, hear! Our King was born!
Mesiáš v Betléme: Ježiš malý,
Jesus in Bethlehem, glorious Lord
ktorého oddávna ste čakali.
You were expecting him as you were told
Iďte a nájdete Kráľa kráľov,
Go and find King of Kings that was just born
Ježiška malého, Pána Pánov;
Jesus, the little child, Lord of all lords,
v mestečku Betléme v jasličkách na slame,
Lying down in the hay somewhere in Bethlehem.
leží náš Spasiteľ narodený,
Kneel down in front of him, Saviour, our Lord,
v chudobných plienočkách položený.
Humble and beautiful, as was foretold