Tutorial: Búvaj, Dieťa krásne by František Prášil

This song is a part of the freely available online choral tutorial library with music from Slovak composers. It was created with the support of Slovak Arts Council (Fond na podporu umenia).

Basic information about Búvaj, Dieťa krásne

Composer: František Prášil
Description: Folk song arrangement
English name: Sleep, O, Pretty Little Child (translation of all lyrics can be found in the bottom part of the page)
Sheet music: Musica Slovaca, catalog no. 0085

Tutorial recordings for Búvaj, Dieťa krásne

The performance is both at a practice tempo (to make it easier to learn voice parts) and in the recommended tempo, recorded by members of the Technik STU Choir. If you are interested in singing with the Technik STU choir, consider joining us.


Choral performance of Búvaj, Dieťa krásne

Ars vocalis: Búvaj, dieťa krásneBúvaj, dieťatko krásne, dnes narodené
…vyberáme z nášho minuloročného vianočného koncertu ??

Posted by Ars Vocalis – komorný spevácky zbor on Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Common lyrics of Búvaj, Dieťa krásne with an English translation

Búvaj, Dieťa krásne,
Sleep, o, pretty little child,
uložené v jasle,
in this manger, here, at night,
búvaj, búvaj, Pachoľa;
sleep, oh, sleep, my little boy,
milostivé Jezuľa!
little Jesus, fount of joy!
Budeme ťa kolísať,
I will take you in my arms
aby’s mohol dobre spať,
And I’ll shield you from all harms
Ježišku náš milý,
Little King of Glory
aby sa Ti snili
Hear my good-night stories
veľmi krásne sny,
Gently fall asleep,
veľmi krásne sny.
Gently fall asleep.

Drozdy a hrdličky,
Sparrows, doves are singing
chystajte pesničky,
And the bells are ringing
nech sa Dieťa poteší,
For the happy little Child
na tom našom salaši.
All is tame that once was wild,
Spev škovránka, slávika,
Birds are trilling at your side,
k tomu pekná muzika;
Gentle sounds of eventide
my budeme s vami
We shall sing together
spievať za jasľami
Like the birds of feather
Synu milému,
To the Holy Son,
Synu milému.
To the Holy Son.

Hory, ticho buďte,
Quiet all the rumbling
Dieťa nezobuďte,
Calm down all the fumbling
nech si ono podrieme
Let our Baby Jesus sleep
na slame a na sene.
Hear his breath, both calm and deep,
Aj vy, milé fialky,
And you, flowers plentiful
zaváňajte do diaľky,
Make the air smell beautiful
zavejte mu vône,
Bring the scent of holly
Pánovi na tróne,
For the King of Glory
ticho sladučko,
Beautiful and sweet,
ticho sladučko.
Beautiful and sweet.