Tenor tutorial for Vstávajte, pastieri by František Prášil

The Vstávajte, pastieri song learning material for the tenor vocal group is a part of the freely available online choral library with music from Slovak composers. It was created with the support of Slovak Arts Council (Fond na podporu umenia).

In addition to the tutorial recordings for tenors (found below), we include the lyrics of the tenor group with their pronunciation. These can be found in the bottom part of the page.

Tenor tutorial for song Vstávajte, pastieri

The performance is both at a practice tempo (to make it easier to learn voice parts) and in the recommended tempo, recorded by members of the Technik STU Choir. If you are interested in singing with the Technik STU choir, consider joining us.

Tenor in the foreground

Recording of all voices without tenors

All voices together

Choral interpretation of Vstávajte, pastieri

Ars vocalis: Vstávajte, pastieriPrajeme vám pokojné a požehnané Vianoce!
Vstávajte, pastieri, berte sa hor! Ospravedlňte obrazovú kvalitu videa – vyberáme z mobilového archívu 🙂

Posted by Ars Vocalis – komorný spevácky zbor on Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Tenor lyrics and pronunciation for Vstávajte, pastieri

Original text transcribed using the International Phonetic Alphabet.

Dá, dá, dá, dá,
daː daː daː daː
dá, dá, dá, dá,
daː daː daː daː
dá, dá, dá, dá,
daː daː daː daː
Aké zázraky javia sa na nebi!
akɛː zaːzraki javi̯a sa na ɲɛbi
Dá, dá, dá, dá,
daː daː daː daː
na nebi vysokom takej žiary.
na ɲɛbi visɔkɔm takɛj ʐi̯ari

Dá, dá, dá.
daː daː daː
dá, dá, dá, dá,
daː daː daː daː
dá, dá, dá, dá,
daː daː daː daː
aby vám zvestil, že sa nám narodil.
abi vaːm zvɛscil ʐɛ sa naːm narɔɟil
Dá, dá, dá, dá,
daː daː daː daː
ktorého oddávna ste čakali.
ktɔrɛːɦɔ ɔddaːvna scɛ t͡ʂakali

Dá, dá, dá.
daː daː daː
dá, dá, dá, dá,
daː daː daː daː
dá, dá, dá, dá,
daː daː daː daː
v meste Betléme v jasličkách na slame.
v mɛscɛ bɛtlɛːmɛ v jaslit͡ʂkaːɣ na slamɛ
Dá, dá, dá, dá,
daː daː daː daː
v chudobných plienočkách položený.
v xudɔbniːx pli̯ɛnɔt͡ʂkaːx pɔlɔʐɛniː

Further help, notes on pronunciation and English approximations of the sounds can be found in this Wikipedia article.