Soprano tutorial for Aký je to svit by Mária Jašurdová

The Aký je to svit song learning material for the soprano vocal group is a part of the freely available online choral library with music from Slovak composers. It was created with the support of Slovak Arts Council (Fond na podporu umenia).

In addition to the tutorial recordings for sopranos (found below), we include the lyrics of the soprano group with their pronunciation. These can be found in the bottom part of the page.

Soprano tutorial for song Aký je to svit

The performance is in the prescribed tempo, recorded by members of the Technik STU Choir. If you are interested in singing with the Technik STU choir, consider joining us.

Soprano in the foreground

Soprano 1
Soprano 2

Recording of all voices without sopranos

All voices without soprano 1
All voices without soprano 2

All voices together

Soprano lyrics and pronunciation of Aký je to svit

Original text transcribed using the International Phonetic Alphabet.

Aký je to svit? Čože to má byť?
akiː je tɔ svit tʂɔʐe tɔ maː bic

Aký je to svit? Čože to má byť?
akiː je tɔ svit tʂɔʐe tɔ maː bic

Aký je to svit? Čože to má byť v Betleme?
akiː je tɔ svit tʂɔʐe tɔ maː biɟ v betleme

Ej, veru, hore sa majme, hneď povstávajme zo zeme.
ej veru ɦɔre sa majme ɦɲec pɔvstaːvajme zɔ zeme

Ej, ej, pastieri, aké to chýry? Aký hlas?
ej ej pascɪeri akeː tɔ xiːri akiː ɦlas

Anjel spieva a zve nás.
aɲjel spɪeva a zve naːs

Či sa mi sníva, či anjel spieva a zve nás?
tʂi sa mi sɲiːva tʂi aɲjel spɪeva a zve naːs

No nemeškajme, hore sa majme. Je iste
nɔ ɲemeʂkajme ɦɔre sa majme je isce

niečo nového pri meste.
ɲɪetʂɔ nɔveːɦɔ pri mesce

Niečo nového, neslýchaného, pri meste.
ɲɪetʂɔ nɔveːɦɔ ɲesliːxaneːɦɔ pri mesce

Z neba mal stúpiť, smrťou vykúpiť celý svet.
z ɲeba mal stuːpic smrcɔu vikuːpic tseliː svet

Predpovedaný, zrodený z panny ako, ako kvet.
pretpɔvedaniː zrɔɟeniː s panni akɔ akɔ kvet

Narodený z panny ako kvet, ako kvet.
narɔɟeniː s panni akɔ kvet akɔ kvet

Aký je to svit? Čože to má byť?
akiː je tɔ svit tʂɔʐe tɔ maː bic

To sa ten istý, z panenky čistý, narodil,
tɔ sa ten istiː s panenki tʂistiː narɔɟil

Boží hlas tvrdil,
bɔʐiː ɦlas tvrɟil

Boží syn tu dnes, ako to z nebies hlas tvrdil.
bɔʐiː sin tu dnes akɔ tɔ z nebɪez ɦlas tvrɟil

Ej veru, ej veru. Hej!
ej veru ej veru ɦej

Further help, notes on pronunciation and English approximations of the sounds can be found in this Wikipedia article.